Biggest Kingdom in Indonesia - Indonesia experienced various long periods before becoming the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Those times were once ruled by a king who was greatly feared by the whole community. Until now, the Indonesian kingdoms are still known by the public because of their power.
1. Majapahit Kingdom
The Majapahit Kingdom was one of the largest Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in the Indonesia. The most famous kings of the Majapahit Kingdom were King Hayam Wuruk and his Patih, Gajah Mada. The territory of the Majapahit Kingdom even reached the Malay Peninsula, or currently known as Malaysia. Gajah Mada had said the Palapa Oath, which read "But if you lose to Nusantara, isun amukti palapa, but you lose the desert ring, attack ring, tanjungpura, haru ring, Pahang ring, Dompo, bali ring, Sunda, palembang, tumasik, saman isun palapa". u can find their artifact mostly in east java.
2. Sriwijaya Kingdom
This kingdom was known as a trading center in sumatra island, along with two other kingdoms, namely the Tulangbawang Kingdom and the Malay Kingdom. In 692 AD, the Sriwijaya kingdom expanded into the area around Malay. The Malay kingdom was conquered and the territory of the Malay kingdom became the property of the Sriwijaya kingdom. The center of the Sriwijaya state is not yet known for sure, some say it is in Palembang and Jambi. The territory of the Sriwijaya kingdom was fairly wide, even as far as Malaysia. There are several inscriptions that are strong evidence of the existence of the Srivijaya kingdom, such as the Kedukan Bukit Inscription and the Talang Tuo Inscription. The Kedukan Bukit Inscription was found on the banks of the Tatang River, Palembang, South Sumatra. This inscription is written in pallawa script and is estimated to have existed since the year 605 Saka or 683 AD. There is also a Talang tuo inscription found in the western part of Palembang. This inscription is estimated to have existed since the year 606 Saka or 684 AD.
3 Singasari Kingdom
Kertanegara was the last king of Singasari. He ruled for 20 years from 1272-1292. Under his leadership, Singasari became a very great kingdom. even began to shift his horizons outside Java. Finally the king began to send ships to carry out the Palamayu Expedition. This expedition was carried out to make Sumatra a fortress capable of blocking army attacks from Mongolia. During Kertanegara's time, friendship with foreign kingdoms began to be well established. Singsari's greatness even reached the ears of Kublai Khan who became the Mongol Emperor. They even went as far as to send envoys and deliver a letter in which it was written that Singasari would recognize Mongolia's sovereignty. And of course this is emphatically rejected. In our opinion, Negarakertagama, Singasari controls a lot of territory in Indonesia and abroad such as Malay, Balinese, Pahang, Desert and Bakulapura.
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